Civil law procedures
In Hungary, NGOs (foundations, associations, sports associations, etc.) are registered in a nonlitigous procedure at the general court with competence as per the registered seat of the organisations. In a simplified procedure, these organisations may be registered within 30 days. Statutory control over these NGOs is exercised by the general courts.
Procedures relating to NGOs are typically electronic procedures, however entities not obliged to participate in electronic procedure may also proceed at their option on a hard copy basis.
These organisations must submit their annual reports by 31 May each year to the NationalOffice for the Judiciary (Országos Bírósági Hivatal (OBH)) by using the form in use for this purpose.
Public data and annual reports of NGOs are contained by the authentic National NGO List posted ont the central website of courts, which is accessible for all on a 24/7 basis. The National NGO List is maintained by the NationalOffice for the Judiciary.