Digital Court Project – The E- folder


It is a future goal to ensure that the documentation of the legal proceedings can be checked online that will enable the clients entitled to such inspection of the file to inspect the file anywhere, anytime.

When the Government modified the annual development pool of the KÖFOP, the related project of the NOJ [“Further digitalization of the judicial administration (Digital Court)”] was indicated as a priority project. The preparatory works have started and the feasibility study was prepared, the request for funding was submitted and the documents of the public procurement were prepared by the judicial and external professionals participating in the project.


The overall purpose of the project is the reduction of bureaucracy. As a result of the planned developments, the clients can deal with their cases faster and cheaper. The administrative burden of the courts will decrease too and this leads to a more efficient work performance.


The developments to be realized during the project:

1. Development of the publication and anonymization of judicial decisions

  • further improvement of the search engine of the Collection of Judicial Decisions for the optimization of the browsing of the anonym judicial decisions and of the search process,
  • further improvement of the software performing the anonymization of the judicial decisions, automation of the anonymization.

2. Digitalization of the documentation of the judicial proceedings (E-folder) and ensuring the electronic inspection of the judicial files

  • digitalization of all documents of the judicial files,
  • electronic availability of the documentation for the judges,
  • ensuring online inspection of the files for the clients anywhere, anytime.

3. Creating the connection between the specialized judicial systems and the Central Governmental Service Bus

  • Online connection of the electronically available authentic public registries with the specialized judicial systems.