Conference on Courts and Communications
The Hungarian National Office for the Judiciary has organised the international Conference on Courts and Communication in Budapest 9 times from 2013 to 2019 with over 600 participants from 25 European countries. Each conference was dedicated to a different topic of the complex issues of courts and communication with national and international experts renowned in the actual topic. Here you can find the lectures and programmes of the past conferences.
Courts and Communication 2017
1. Clarity in judicial administration
Merethe Eckhardt, Director of Development, Danish Court Administration
Natasa Fülöp, judge, National Office for the Judiciary
Annamária Nagy, assistant judge, National Office for the Judiciary
Laura Dédesi, Head of Department for Communication, National Office for the Judiciary
2. Clarity in jurisdiction
Lieneke de Klerk, criminal judge and press judge at district court of Oost-Brabant, The Netherlands
András Osztovits, judge, Curia of Hungary
3. Clarity in court press communication
Balázs Lehóczki, Press and Information Unit, Court of Justice of the EU
Kornél Bőhm, Head of Crisis Communication Department, Hungarian Public Relations Association
Quastionnaire and answers
1. Clarity in judicial administration
1. How much emphasis is put on clarity in the administration of your country?
2. In what extent was this issue put in the forefront in the past few years?
3. Do you have any guidelines/regulations in the courts on clarity? If yes, in which way (obligatory or recommended)?
4. When a new regulation is introduced in the judicial system, how much emphasis do you put on informing employees (explanation of content)?
5. Is the clarity of administrative documents considered during the evaluation of employee-satisfaction?
6. What kind of instruments do you use to inform clients?
7. Which areas or topics are covered by handouts?
8. Do you make publications or short movies to promote efficient information-sharing?
9. How do you conciliate modern technology with clear informing?
2. Clarity in jurisdiction
1. How much emphasis do you put on the public-clarity of judgements?
2. Do you have national regulation on clarity in your country? If yes, in which way?
3. Are there any positive inspirations to promote the clarity of judgements?
4. How can you evaluate the effect of it? Do you get any feedback from clients?
5. Does the judiciary receive any guidelines related to clarity?
6. Do you have trainings to promote the clarity of judgements? If yes, who are the lecturers and what do they emphasize during the training?
7. How can you help clarity in case of a formalized and an individual judgement? What differences can occur from formalization?
8. Do you see any relation between the clarity of judgements and public confidence?
3. Clarity in court press communication
1. In your opinion, how much the establishment of a good relationship with the press is based on mutual help? What role does clarity play in mutual cooperation?
2. Do you have any regulation concerning the clarity of court press communication in your country?
3. Do they communicate mostly in written or oral form?
4. How much emphasis is put on the clarity of communication? In which type of press releases do you find it exceptionally important regarding the subject?
5. Are handouts made for the press-representatives to help their work? If yes, in what way and in what subjects?
6. Do you receive any feedback from the media on the clarity of your press-releases?
7. How do you train colleagues who act as contact-persons? (In case of clear speech and clear phrasing)
8. How do you prepare judges if their case is challenging for the public? Do they have special trainings or guidelines regarding the clarity of the oral reasoning of their judgement in front of the press?
9. Are handouts available to help judges regarding clear phrasing in case of a press-release?