Mediation in Europe and in Hungary - International conference on court annexed mediation


Since 2013 the parties have an opportunity in the bigger Hungarian courts to use mediation procedure in connection with the pending civil, and non-judicial proceedings. The mediation is a mode of dispute resolution, in which the parties can make an agreement, settle the case and resolve their conflict with the assistance of the mediator, who is a third party obliged to strict confidence. The last 3 years prove that more and more citizens resort to the court mediation services. According to the statistics most of the court mediation proceedings end with the agreement of the parties.

The National Office for the Judiciary organised a conference on the 5th – 6th May 2016, in the Hungarian Judicial Academy with the title of ‘Mediation in our country and in Europe’. The aim of the conference was to introduce the experiences of the international and national court mediation proceedings, and also to present the good practices, and beneficial solutions.

In the event internationally recognised foreign and Hungarian lecturers gave a lecture on their mediation experiences, knowledge, supplementing it with interesting cases.

In the two-day long conference we could get answers to questions such as how a judge can be a good mediator, what is the key of the successful mediation, what competences are needed for the mediation.

The participation of the conference is based on invitation, however the interviews with the lecturers can be watched online after the conference.