Digital innovations vs. paper-based administration – international conference on the expansion of digital courts
The international conference has begun at the Hungarian Academy of Justice, with the participation of the Visegrad Four countries and Croatia, where attendees will exchange experiences about the possibilities in judicial digitalization.
The international event was opened by dr. Tünde Handó, president of the National Office for the Judiciary (NOJ); in her speech she detailed the achievements of Digital Courts, elaborated on remote hearings, speech text recognition and transcription program, also speaking about the possibilities in electronic communication. Digital innovation is unstoppable – she emphasized.
Tünde Handó described the latest data of the EU Justice Scoreboard, according to which Hungary is a leader in judicial digitalization and providing full electronic court administration of cases, ahead of France or Germany.
Peter Paczolay, judge at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) gave a speech on the advantages and disadvantages of digitalization, with respect to the ECHR case-law. He noted: the same rights that people have offline, must be protected online.
In his presentation, dr. Alan Uzelac, professor at the University of Zagreb, was looking for an answer on how far digitalization can go, whether artificial intelligence can replace human judgment. He underlined: courts and digital innovations must cooperate, making digitalization serve jurisdiction.
Dr. Christoph Sorge, professor at Saarland University spoke about „The role of IT security for digital courts”. In his opinion, there’s still not 100% security when it comes to IT, however, it is the responsibility of IT professionals and engineers to make the digital systems secure both for the courts and for clients. We should not return to paper-based administration – he added.
Legal, ethical and technical questions arising with the development of the electronic world are to be answered at roundtable discussions, where digital tools of the courtrooms and the experiences of digital trainings are shared among participants. At the Friday workshops new challenges of electronic court – client communication will be discussed.
At the two-day international conference, innovations of the Digital Court will be presented for the participants, where the speech text recognition and transformation software and electronic drafting software will be demonstrated for the guests from the five European countries.