Soon 184 courtrooms will be available for remote hearings

Last year 72 courtrooms have been equipped by the National Office for the Judiciary (NOJ) in cooperation with the National Infocommunications Service Company Ltd. (NISZ) for the performance of remote hearings. Nevertheless, developments have not stopped, by the end of this year, the innovative technology will be applicable in 184 courtrooms.
The second phase of the developments for the nationwide application of the remote hearings has already begun: the necessary technical infrastructure for remote hearings, image and sound recordings will be installed in an additional 112 courtrooms. As a result, adequate courtrooms will be available at the Curia, all regional courts of appeal, regional courts and district courts as well.
In the past year, courts held 3163 remote hearings, the system has been used by over 1100 judges during their proceedings, most frequently in criminal procedures.
Remote hearings are cost-effective for both the courts and clients, greatly reduces the security risks of transportation of inmates, and guarantees security for persons in legal protection. By extending its application, adjudication may become independent of space and time.