For clients
Proceedings on the enforcement of resolutions relating to visitation rights and proceedings on restraining measures in case of domestic violence are affected by Government decree 176/2020 (V.4.) on temporary measures on visitation rights and domestic restraint during the state of danger, announced on 4 May 2020.
The President of the National Office for the Judiciary ordered the modification of the period of document-quarantine by PNOJ Regulation No.71/2020 (V.13). In order to speed up handling paper documents, the storage container of incoming documents can be opened after three days, instead of seven. Document management can be continued in compliance with the epidemiological rules in force.
It is possible to start court proceedings electronically during the extraordinary suspension of judicial activities. Court offices are not available for personal administration, however it is possible to get information electronically and by telephone. It is suggested to manage the cases electronically, however it is still possible to send the submissions by regular mail or to put them in post boxes at the entrance of the courts.
The electronic administration portal now provides direct access to the E-company insight interface, in which public company documents can be searched and viewed based on the company registration number.
We would like to inform our clients that electronic administration is suggested for the registration procedure of non-governmental organisations and other associations in relation to the prevention of the COVID-19 epidemic.