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The French-Hungarian Legal Day, held on 11 October 2019, focused on the European relationships, the application of EU law and its challenges faced by the national institutions, and the European – especially French – institutional solutions.


Az elmúlt évben megújult a polgári, közigazgatási perrendtartás, valamint a büntetőeljárási kódex és kiszélesedett az elektronikusan intézhető eljárások köre - mindezek az Országos Bírósági Hivatal 2018 I. féléves angol nyelvű beszámolójában is olvashatóak. 


Last year, a new Code of Civil Procedure, Code of Administrative Litigation and Code of Criminal Procedure entered into force and the scope of court cases to be dealt with by electronic means was also extended – recounted the English-language report of the National Office for the Judiciary on the court system in the first half of 2018.


The next event of the THEMIS competition is coming up: semi-final D will take place between 2-5 July in Bulgary.

In the ten years after the accession of Hungary to the European Union in 2004, judges in Hungary have initiated preliminary ruling procedures (hereinafter: preliminary ruling procedure2) in the highest number as compared to those initiated by the Member States newly accessed to the EU.


Judges pursue their profession at the Curia, courts of appeal, general courts, district and urban district courts, as well as at administrative and labour courts.

With just a few exceptions, judge positions are available by way of applications.

Except for cases stipulated in the Act CLXII of 2011 on the Legal Status and Remuneration of Judges (the Judges Act), applications for these positions are invited by the President of the National Office for the Judiciary (NOJ).


Operation of the NJC

The permanent office of the National Judicial Council was established on 1st March 2013. The permanent office provides administrative and operational support regarding the filing system, organisation of the meetings and general operation of the NJC under the leadership of a judge.


Six years after the introduction of the new court administration model in 2011, dr. Csaba Virág has come out with a comprehensive analysis on the results of the new system and its performance.


The government called the Ministry of Justice to prepare a proposal for a substantial salary increase for all judges, in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance and the National Office for the Judiciary (NOJ) - announced the Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office on 13 December 2018. At this week’s Government Info, Gergely Gulyás called the current judicial salaries unworthy and said that the Cabinet intends to introduce a new wage bill by January 1, 2020 at the latest.


According to the justice scoreboard, the Hungarian judiciary is at the frontline of Europe: the results in the area of digitalisation are excellent, the length of administrative court cases is the fourth shortest, and the length of civil cases is the fifth shortest in Hungary – highlighted dr Tünde Handó, President of the National Office for the Judiciary (NOJ) at the press conference held before the general meeting of judges at the Regional Court of Szeged.


The international conference has begun at the Hungarian Academy of Justice, with the participation of the Visegrad Four countries and Croatia, where attendees will exchange experiences about the possibilities in judicial digitalization.


Seven years after signing their joint declaration, representatives of state institutions and organizations have evaluated their last year's anti-corruption activity in the Parliament.


The substance of the national pieces of legislation may be limited by constraints originating from obligations under international and European Union law, however, the freedom and responsibility to develop a national court system continue to fall within a State’s exclusive competence – stressed in her welcome speech Dr. Tünde Handó, President of the National Office for the Judiciary at the international conference entitled “Sovereignty in the European Area of Justice”.


In the last 7 years we have had the opportunity to make such developments in infrastructure that have been missing since the beginning of the 20th century, and further developments will follow in the future, "said the President of the National Office for the Judiciary (NOJ) in her sixth annual parliamentary report of the year 2017.

Dr. Péter Polt, Chief Prosecutor of Hungary

The criminal panel of the Szeged Regional Court of Appeal led by Judge Erik Mezőlaki partially modified the first instance judgement delivered by the Szeged Regional Court in the case of Y. I. for the felony of possession of narcotic drugs.


Harmincöt bírósági vezetői pályázatot bírált el október 31-ig az Országos Bírósági Hivatal (OBH) elnöke, s ez idő alatt 251 bírói álláshelyre kiírt pályázatról is érdemi döntés született – derült ki abból a két tájékoztatóból, amelyet most a 2017-es jelentésekkel együtt angolul is megjelentetett az OBH.