
President of the Republic János Áder appointed Attila Harangozó as vice-president of the National Office for the Judiciary (NOJ) on 6 February 2020.

György Senyei emphasized that the quality of judgments should be prioritized over the quantitative approach, which requires a consistent separation of administrative and professional roles.

At the meeting, György Senyei emphasized that the Czech Republic and Hungary are linked not only by their geographical proximity and common history, but also by the Roman and Continental legal roots of the two legal systems, as well as the simultaneous change of regime and accession to the European Union.

With 133 votes in favor, 4 votes against and 23 abstention, the Parliament accepted the bill on the establishment of one-level district office procedures, also including the salary increase for prosecutors and judges at the plenary session on 17 December 2019.

At its meeting on 6 December 2019, the Parliamentary Committee on Justice heard dr. György Barna Senyei, the candidate for the presidency of the National Office for the Judiciary. The committee voted in favor of the candidate with 10 yes and 1 abstention. 

The National Judicial Council (NJC) made a unanimous decision, supporting dr. György Senyei's nomination as president of the National Office for the Judiciary – announced NJC spokesman dr. Viktor Vadász at a press conference held at the NOJ. The NJC heard the presidential candidate this morning.

Prof. dr. Richard Susskind, writer and future research lawyer, discussed the future of online courts and justice with dr. Tünde Handó, president of the National Office for the Judiciary (NOJ) and dr. Péter Darák, president of the Curia, at a roundtable discussion on Walters Kluwer Legal Innovation Day.

The National Office for the Judiciary (NOJ) has created a cultured, convenient, simple, fast and secure administration environment for the satisfaction of its clients, thus Hungary has added a new chapter in the area of developments in the field of court support - emphasized dr. Árpád Répássy, vice-president of the NOJ, at the closing event of the Operational Program for Public Administration and Public Service Development (KÖFOP).

The website of the National Office for the Judiciary (NOJ) received a special award in the government category at the Website of the Year contest.

With 12 votes in favor, no votes against and one abstention, the Parliamentary Committee on Justice voted in favor of an amendment to close the debate that would allow the comprehensive reform of remuneration for judges and prosecutors.